

Like traditional websites, progressive web apps are provided by a server and are displayed in a web browser. This document provide a description of the different elements which interact each other to operate a PWA.

architecture diagram

Web browser

A web browser is where the PWA is displayed. Here is a list of well-known web browser:

When a user wants to use an app, the web browser requests an HTML pages and their associated resources to the server.

Once the required resources are gathered, it displays the app to the user.


The server is what serves the files to make a go-app progressive web app work into the web browser:

It is implemented with the standard Go HTTP package and the Handler.

HTML pages

HTML pages are pages that indicate to web browsers what other resources are required to run the progressive web app:

They also contain the markup that provides a pre-rendered version of the requested page and that will be replaced by the app dynamic content once app.wasm is loaded.

Package resources

Package resources are the mandatory resources to run a go-app progressive web app into web browsers. Those resources are:

Package resource Description
wasm_exec.js Script to interop Go and Javascrip APIs.
app.js Script that loads app.wasm and go-app service workers.
app-worker.js Script that implements go-app required service workers.
manifest.webmanifest Manifest that describes the progressive web app.
app.css go-app widgets styles.

They are served by the server’s go-app Handler and are accessible from the root of the app domain. Eg: /app.js.


app.wasm is the binary that contains the UI logic of the progressive web app. It is the app code, built to run on wasm architecture.

GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build -o web/app.wasm

It is a static resource that is always located at /web/app.wasm, and can be served by the server or is available from a remote bucket such as S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

Once loaded in a web browser, it displays the app content and handles user interactions.

Static resources

Static resource are files such as:

  • CSS files
  • JS files
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Sounds
  • Documents

They are always located within a directory named web, and can be served by the server or are available from a remote bucket such as S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

Static resources are located in a single directory referred to as the web directory:


By default served by the server, the web directory can also be located on a remote bucket such as S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

