
What is an Action?

An action is a custom event propagated across the app. It can be asynchronously handled in a separate goroutine or by any component.

Actions diagram


An action is created from a Context by calling NewAction(name string, tags ...Tagger):

func (h *hello) onInputChange(ctx app.Context, e app.Event) {

A payload can also be attached with NewActionWithValue(name string, v interface{}, tags ...Tagger):

func (h *hello) onInputChange(ctx app.Context, e app.Event) {
	name := ctx.JSSrc().Get("value").String()

	ctx.NewActionWithValue("greet", name)

A bit like an HTTP header, additional info can be attached to actions by setting tags:

func (h *hello) onInputChange(ctx app.Context, e app.Event) {
	name := ctx.JSSrc().Get("value").String()

	ctx.NewActionWithValue("greet", name,
		app.T("source", "input"),
		app.T("event", "change"),


Once an action is created, it is propagated across the app. It can then be handled at global and/or component levels with an ActionHandler:

type ActionHandler func(Context, Action)

Global Level

Dealing with actions at a global level is done by registering an ActionHandler with the Handle function:

func main() {
	app.Handle("greet", handleGreet) // Registering action handler.

	app.Route("/", &hello{})

	// ...

// Action handler that is called on a separate goroutine when a "greet" action
// is created.
func handleGreet(ctx app.Context, a app.Action) {
	name, ok := a.Value.(string) // Checks if a name was given.
	if !ok {
		fmt.Println("Hello, World")

	fmt.Println("Hello,", name)

Executed asynchronously on a separate goroutine, handling an action globally is used to centralize and separate the business logic from the UI.

Component Level

Actions can also be handled at component level by registering an ActionHandler from a Context:

func (h *hello) OnMount(ctx app.Context) {
	ctx.Handle("greet") // Registering action handler.

func (h *hello) onChange(ctx app.Context, e app.EventHandler) {
	name := ctx.JSSrc().Get("value").String()
	ctx.NewActionWithValue("greet", name) // Creating "greet" action.

// Action handler that is called on the UI goroutine when a "greet" action is
// created.
func (h *hello) handleGreet(ctx app.Context, a app.Action) {
	name, ok := a.Value.(string) // Checks if a name was given.
	if !ok {
	} = name

Executed on the UI goroutine, handling actions from components can help to send data from a component to another.

