Deploy on GitHub Pages


GitHub Pages is a pretty easy way to have a running and available website. The limitation is that only static websites can be hosted.

PWAs created with go-app are usually served by a standard Go HTTP server. That said, it is possible to generate them as completely static websites in order to have them running from hosts like GitHub Pages.

Generate a Static Website

A static website can be generated with the help of the GenerateStaticWebsite() function:

func main() {
	app.Route("/", &hello{})
	app.Route("/hello"), &hello{})

	err := app.GenerateStaticWebsite(".", &app.Handler{
		Name:        "Hello",
		Description: "An Hello World! example",

    if err != nil {

It can then be generated by building and running the go executable:

# Build app.wasm:
GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build -o /test-app/web/app.wasm

# Build and generate static website:
go build

The current directory will then have all the required files to run the PWA as a static website:

.                        # Current dir.
├── app-worker.js        # Service-worker file (Generated).
├── app.js               # Js support file (Generated).
├── index.html           # Index page (Generated from "/").
├── hello.html           # hello page (Generated from "/hello").
├── manifest.webmanifest # PWA manifest (Generated).
├── wasm_exec.js         # Wasm support file (Generated).
└── web                  # Web directory.
    └── app.wasm         # Wasm app (Manually built).


Once generated, the static website can directly be dropped in a GitHub repository, either in the root or in the docs directory depending on how GitHub Pages is configured.

Domainless Repository

By default, no domain is associated with a GitHub repository. The website is accessed from a GitHub address that looks like this:

In that scenario, the Handler resource provider must be changed to be a GitHubPages provider:

func main() {
	app.Route("/", &hello{})
	app.Route("/hello"), &hello{})

	err := app.GenerateStaticWebsite(".", &app.Handler{
		Name:        "Hello",
		Description: "An Hello World! example",
		Resources:   app.GitHubPages("REPOSITORY_NAME"),

    if err != nil {

This will fix static resources issues caused by GitHub adding the repository name as an URL path prefix.