GoApp is a package for building fast and modern Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) using Go and WebAssembly.
It allows you to build web user interfaces using Go syntax by composing HTML-based components. Here’s a minimal “Hello World” example:
func newHello() app.Composer {
return &hello{}
type hello struct {
func (h *hello) Render() app.UI {
return app.H1().Text("Hello World!")
The component is then associated with a path using an HTTP handler that follows the Go standard library model:
func main() {
app.Route("/", newHello)
http.Handle("/", &app.Handler{
Name: "Hello",
Description: "A Hello World example",
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil); err != nil {
The program is compiled into two binaries:
A WebAssembly (WASM) binary, executed in the web browser:
GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build -o web/app.wasm
A standard Go binary, which serves the WebAssembly file, support files, and static resources:
go build